
This is a list of my publications of theological books and journal articles. It does not include book reviews, newspaper and magazine articles, conference and online presentations.


Mervyn Himbury: Principal and Preacher, Eugene, OR.: Wipf & Stock, 2022.

(Editor) Baptist Identity into the Twenty-First Century: Essays in Honour of Ken Manley, Parkville, Victoria: Whitley College, 2016.

Wrestling with Doubt: Theological Reflections on the Journey of Faith. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 2001.

(Editor) Fair Dinkum Ministry: Stories of Authentic Australian Spirituality and Struggle. Richmond (Victoria): Spectrum Publications, 1999.


Book Chapters

‘Resurrection as Good News for the Poor: A Critical Appraisal of the resurrection theology  of Jürgen Moltmann’, in David Neville, (ed) Prophecy and Passion, Essays in Honour of Athol Gill, Adelaide: Australian Theological Forum, 2002, 126 – 155.

‘Introduction: The Christian Spirituality of a Baptist Theologian’, in Keith Dyer and David Neville, (eds), Resurrection and Responsibility: Essays on Theology, Scripture and Ethics in Honour of Thorwald Lorenzen. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2009, 1 – 14.

‘The Getting of Wisdom: Reflections on the Impossible Dream of Ministerial Formation’, in Heather Cameron, Colin Hunter, Michael Kelly & Randall Prior, (eds), Together in Ministry: Essays to Honour John Paver, Parkville: Uniting Publications, 2009, 61 – 74.

‘Why Study Christianity?’ in Christianity for the Curious: Why Study Christianity? Kishor Vaidya (ed.), Canberra: Curious Academic Publishing, 2014. (Amazon e-book).

‘Why has no-one ever told me about this?’, in Frank Rees, (Editor) Baptist Identity into the Twenty-First Century: Essays in Honour of Ken Manley, Parkville, Victoria: Whitley College, 2016, 206 – 213.

‘Transforming Expectations’, in Darrell Jackson & Darren Cronshaw (eds.) Cultural Diversity, Worship, and Australian Baptist Church Life, New Wineskins, Volume 2, Sydney: Morling Press, 2016, 139 – 149

‘The Priesthood of All the People: Theological Imperatives for a Church Beyond Religion’, Chapter 10 in Anthony R. Cross and Philip E. Thompson, (eds.) Baptist Sacramentalism 3, Eugene OR.: Pickwick Publications, 2020, 171 – 189.

‘Caring Churches’, Chapter 11 in Seeds of the Church: Towards an ecumenical Baptist ecclesiology, edited by Teun van der Leer, Henk Bakker, Steven R. Harmon, and Elizabeth Newman, Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2022, pages 119 – 130.


‘Holidays and Holy Days – Glimpsing Christ in Australia’ in Zadok Perspectives, No. 19, September 1987

‘Losers for God’ in Mark Tronson (Ed.) Whose Leaf Does Not Wither, Sydney:  IFH Publishing, 1987

‘Pastoral Care – Accountability or Availability?’ The Christian Ministry  Vol. 20 No.  1, Jan.-Feb. 1989, 8-10

‘The Servant Church Re-Visited‘   St Mark’s Review No. 139, Spring 1989,  24-31

‘Peter Carnley on the Structure of Resurrection Belief’,  St Mark’s Review, No. 140 (Summer 1990), 32-35

‘The Voice of God is Never Silent’, in Rowland Croucher (ed.) Rivers in the Desert, Sutherland, NSW: Albatross, 1991.

‘Doubt in Search of Understanding’, Pacifica, Vol. 6.3,  October 1993. 279-296.

‘The Need and Promise of Christian Preaching’, Evangelical Quarterly, Vol. 66.2 (1994), 107-121.

‘God in the Emptiness’, in Rowland Croucher (ed.) Gentle  Darkness,  Sutherland, NSW: Albatross, 1994.

‘An Expanding Theology’ – Colloquium, with Anthony Kelly  and Margaret Jenkins, Pacifica, Vol. 8.1, February 1995,  97-113.

‘Re-Cognising the Christ: An Australian response to John Dominic Crossan’, Colloquium Vol.32. 1, (Oct. 1999), 99 – 109.

‘The Word in Question: Barth and Divine Conversation’. Pacifica 12 (Oct. 1999),  313 – 332.

‘Beating Around the Bush: Methodological Directions for Australian Theology’, Pacifica 15 (Oct 2002), 266 – 293.

‘Baptist Identity: Immersed through worship’, Journal of European Baptist Studies, Vol. 5.1, (Sept. 2004)  5 – 17.

‘Trinity and Church; Contributions from the Free Church Tradition’,  Pacifica 17 (Oct 2004), 251 – 267.

‘Three Ways of Being Church’, International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, Vol. 5, No. 1, (March 2005), 41 – 57.

‘The Worship of All Believers’, Baptist Quarterly, Vol. 41, July 2005,  175 – 189.

‘Teaching Theology with due regard to Experience and  Context’,  Theological Education, Vol. 40, Supplement (2005), 101 – 113.

‘Enabling Congregations to Become Theological Communities’
Evangelical Review of Theology Vol. 30.1, January 2006,  4 – 12.

‘A Conversational Theology for a Conversational Church’ Asia Journal of Theology, Vol. 21, No. 1, April 2007, 32 – 49.

‘God of the Tsunami: a theological reflection on the experience of disaster and some implications for how we live in the world.’ Torch Trinity Journal, Vol 14, No. 1, May 2011, 70 – 81.

‘Beyond Religion: the bad news, other news and the Good News.’ Pacific Journal of Baptist Research, Vol. 8 No. 2, Nov. 2013. 1-13.

‘New Directions in Australian Spirituality: Sabbath beyond the Church.’ Colloquium Vol.47, No. 1,   May 2015, 75 – 88.

‘What must we do to be saved? A critical response to Paul Fiddes, Past Event and Present Salvation. Pacific Journal of Baptist Research, Vol. 11. 1, May 2016, 5 – 18.

‘Baptism by Immersion – More than Initiation: A Response to the Report of the International Dialogue between the Baptist World Alliance and the World Methodist Church’,  Pacific Journal Theological Research  Vol 14.1 May 2019  34 – 49

‘Mervyn Himbury: Principal Preacher.’  Our Yesterdays, Journal of the Victorian Baptist Historical Society, 28 (2020) pp. 4-27.

‘Techniques or Disciplines? Mervyn Himbury and the Purpose of Ministerial Education’, Baptist Quarterly 2024, Vol.55. No. 1, 2 – 15.


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